All across California, millions of business owners and businesses fight nail to nail and tooth to tooth in order to overcome struggles and obstacles around the business world. A lot of these businesses are remarkable for their great job of running their business within day-to-day operations.

Their main goal is to make and gain money.

But how does a businessman turn his effort into money when he does not employ the most effective way to make money? How can he be rewarded if he is not using the best marketing tools and proper strategies which are changing from time to time? Roderick "Ricky" Amon, CEO at Amon Marketing System, LLC focuses in guiding business of any type and size realize their potential to expand their reach through our cutting-edge propriety well-known and regarded as the Four Step Marketing Process.

The Process of Our Marketing Consultation

For businesses that aim to grow and expand to the next level, they mostly seek out the marketing consultation expertise of Roderick "Ricky" Amon. Once a client consults him, expect that he will initiate an extreme brainstorming session that unleashes your products or services, industry and what sets you behind the competition.

In short, your USP or Unique Selling Point is the initial step out of our Four Step Marketing Process. Once this USP has been ascertained, a vivid blueprint that is essential to create a solid, cutting marketing strategy is produced. This strategy would embrace the other 3 steps of our Four Step Process - Marketing Automation, Marketing Arsenal and Platform & Offers. The moment all 4 aspects of our propriety process are combined together, a powerhouse marketing strategy is the outcome which will dramatically explode your revenues!

2-Day Interactive Session for Marketing Consultation

Our most remarkable option is a 2-day extreme gathering in person. You will achieve a fourteen (14) hour consultation and plan on Custom Marketing based on your business requirements. We will document this consultation and utilize our cutting edge teaching tools.

After determining the marketing strategies you already have, we will now design an in-depth business plan that will bring growth for your business not only today for a long term benefit usually from 12- 24 months. We will devise your business plan step-by-step and month-by-month with tasks to be completed and a timeframe with set targets to be pursued.

Introducing our Four Step Marketing Consultation

1. Find the right words with your USP. Determine what your Unique Selling Points are and why must customers choose you over your competitors.
2. Expects consistent leads with Platforms & Offers. An extreme investigation with your database and the leads served unattended on your table.
3. Measure and power the Marketing Arsenal. A view at each marketing option available to you and how they can put together into your business. We  will educate you how to measure your drive results and marketing.
4. Automate follow-up together with Marketing Automation. An examination at how automate automated follow-up can elevate your customer duration value. You will learn how to be the number one to your customers for a lifetime and the top secret about marketing automation.

 Other Options of Marketing Consultation

Every month, our CEO is available for consultation on a limited basis due to present projects and other consulting clients. AMS offers other options for consultation ranging from short-term to long-term agreement relationships. Most of the time, we suggest our clients to begin with the 2-Day Interactive Marketing Consultation. Consultation appointments can be organized either at our office location or at your own convenient place.



Unique Selling Point, Platform & Offers, Arsenal and Automation

San Diego Consulting - Amon Marketing System